
My Itchy toes cure

Do you have itchy toes (like at the back of your toes)? If yes, then, you are not alone. I have itchy toes as well. I will experience this itchiness whenever it’s winter because I am always using hot water when I’ll take my showers and it’s kind of burn my skin. The itchiness bothers me a lot. It’s like it’s killing me. I tried to put cortisone on it but the itchiness will be back after several hours of using it.

The thing that I am doing in order for me to get rid of itchiness is an ice pack. I will have to put the ice pack inside a zip bag to make it clean and I’ll step on it for several minutes. And it will cure my feet and toes itchiness. Also, I will use 100% cotton socks. There are times that I’ll have to deep my foot in a cold water after taking a shower. For me, putting cold stuff on my itchy toes and itchy feet would somehow aid the burning tingling itchiness that I cannot describe how itchy it will be every time I will feel it.

So, what’s your cure for your itchy foot and or itchy toes?