Positivity in Life

Problems with codes

Do you have problems with that code for its distorted? Or you cannot submit your article for the system will not detect it?

I’ve encountered this problem before. I’m having a hard time publishing it. I thought the problem is with my computer so I tried to reset it. For there are times also that the answer to the problem in submitting an article is to reset the computer so as to clear the browser – I guess. But when the computer resetting is done and the browser is cleared, like deleting the temporary internet files is made, and still nothing worked out, there’s another solution.

You want to know? Okay! Just make your article, copy and paste on the EDIT HTML mode when you are using BLOGGER/BLOGSPOT blog. After doing that, just PUBLISH your article and that’s it. One thing you must avoid! There are times when you want to view your created article or do some editing, well, just view it in EDIT HTML mode and then the PREVIEW mode. AVOID using the COMPOSE mode for there are some codes that will be distorted when you will use the COMPOSE mode.

Hope this will help you newbie. I know how hard it is when having problems like this, that’s why I’ve decided to share my little tip so as to help you.
So your problems with codes are solved now? Hope so! HAPPY BLOGGING!