Exercise bike for the kids
I bought an exercise bike not for myself but for my kids. That time I didn’t have that much in my PayPal. So, I did buy it thing using my cc. When I received my salary, I paid this thing off so that I will not pay the interest of my card. Anyway, this was just 63+ bucks and free shipping so I was happy with my purchase. They love to bicycle and I am thinking that maybe they can use this one as a toy or as an exerciser as they don’t want to use the exercise stepper. I cannot bring them to the gym every month for a regular exercise as it will cost me more than a hundred bucks for a membership. Through this exercise bike, they can exercise their legs, their body and somehow enjoy using this thing. Sometimes, I will use this bike too if I am not that busy with my online work. The pedometer of this exercise bike is not working good after few use since this is built cheaply and so I just pulled the one that I have in my stepper. It works so far.
I encourage my kids to exercise since I can see on my eldest that he needs more endurance as mostly he’s just sitting down, curling his legs, playing with gadgets and computer. So far this exercise bike serves its purpose even if it’s built cheaply. It’s a good idea even if there’s not much space in the house for this additional thing.