
In solving this: You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page

I was trying to figure out why there was this thing “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page.” in one of my hosted blogs. I admit that I was not a techie person coz the only thing that I knew were the things that I’ve came across in the past and in the present. If I will not experience such thing, meaning, I didn’t have any knowledge about it. Since I didn’t have any knowledge, I was just researching and reading those blog posts of other bloggers. Seemed those things were nice and it’s applicable with their site problems.

But I knew that my problem with this blog was different.

First: I thought that it’s because of plugins. So, I opened the File Manager, WP-content, then, the plugins folder. After that, I deleted those plugins except the AKISMET. But it’s not working still.

Second: I deleted the present theme but before I did it, I made a compressed file for it. When I tried to visit it, the problem got worse coz the whole blog was blank. GEEE! So, I extracted the compressed folder of that theme and it was then that blog was visible again.

Third: I checked and checked the PHYMYADMIN based on the articles that I’ve read online. But I was thinking those were not the answer to my problem.

Fourth: I checked the WP-admin, then I opened the USER folder and the only thing that I read was these codes:

Fifth: I tried to use the web hosting control panel that I gave to my close friend (but she’s not using it), and open the same thing, it’s then, I’ve noticed that these were the codes:

domain != $current_site->domain ) || ( $current_blog->path != $current_site->path ) );
$redirect_user_admin_request = apply_filters( ‘redirect_user_admin_request’, $redirect_user_admin_request );
if ( $redirect_user_admin_request ) {
wp_redirect( user_admin_url() );
unset( $redirect_user_admin_request );


So, I copied these codes and pasted it in the public_html/wp-admin/user/admin.php. But the phrase “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” was still there.

Sixth: I did more research and seemed that those blog posts of other bloggers were still the same.

Seventh: I logged in at PHPMYADMIN again and tried to check for the database detail it’s then I’ve noticed that the WP_USERMETA was empty. So, I was questioning, why was this thing empty? I asked my friend if she emptied that folder and she said yes coz she’s cleaning her blog.

Eight: I told her I will try to fix her site coz I’ve experimented the site of my close friend which was not in use and found out that it has same problems with her site when I emptied the WP_USERMETA. I told her that I will try to import a user-meta for her problematic blog. And it’s good that there it solved the “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” problem.

Whew! I was relieved! And I was thankful to come across such thing in which it had a different solution compared to the problems of other bloggers.


Since the WP_USERMETA was emptied, thus, the only solution to the “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” was to upload one. In order for me to have a WP_USERMETA.SQL, I exported one from the site of my close friend. After having the .SQL file, it’s then I imported it to the blog of my friend which had a “You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page” problem. After that, everything was A-Okay! Whew! Thanks God!