Make it a habit to LOCK all your car doors – ALWAYS
At work, I usually will have my 15 minutes break inside my car almost every day so that I can drink my ice cold water from my water cooler.
Early tonight, around 6:17pm, I was inside my car when all of a sudden there was one guy who passed by walking and looking so weird. He was like staring and or checking at different cars (including mine) and then looked down on the ground to find some things. He also was picking things and put it inside his pocket. Since he caught my attention, I took 3 photos (first photo 6:18pm and the 2 photos had the time of 6:19pm) of him (wish I took a video instead). He was just so weird looking.
Anyway, pardon me if I judged him with what he was doing but I was phobia already with strange people especially those who will open car doors that don’t belong to them.
I didn’t say that he will open car doors or he was checking cars with opened doors but upon seeing him, I remember the incident that I had BEFORE that there was one weird person who tried to open the front passenger side of my car and my kids were with me. Good thing that time, there was like a hint for me to lock my car even if it was not my thing of doing so. When that person tried to open my car door, I was shocked and my kids asked me why. And I just said to them, ‘I don’t know’. Then, I thank God that my kids and I were safe.
After that incident, whenever I will park, especially when I am inside, I’ll have to see to it to lock my car. That will be my first thing to do upon entering my car – LOCK my CAR DOORS before I’ll put my car keys. Though I can remote start my car but it doesn’t mean it will run without its keys. Another thing is that, whenever I will arrive at my destination, upon parking my vehicle, I’ll have to press the car lock button coz it will automatically open all doors. Lock all doors for safety.
And when I will be out of my car, I’ll have to beep it many times to check that its lock. Though there’s nothing valuable inside my car but the car still has a value. Anyway, am just sharing my life today of how it trigger my phobia with my the incident that I experienced before.