Positivity in Life

Share your blessings to Johnny who helped Miss Kate McClure

There are still thousands of people who love to help those persons in need. It says that the more you give, the more you will receive back. And with this homeless man named Johnny (he is a veteran) who helped Miss Kate McClure to have gasoline in her car received back even more. Mss Kate stated in the ‘gofund campaign’ – Using his last 20 dollars to make sure I could get home safe is so touching!

For those who want to give or share their blessings with this man live a better life, please do so at the gofund link – https://www.gofundme.com/hvv4r-paying-it-forward. As of the moment 11/23/2017 at 12:56pm he has this blessings in the gofund. Thanks God for all who shared their blessings for this kind man who need help to have a better life.