NEVER SACRIFICE YOUR CLASS TO GET EVEN WITH SOMEONE WHO HAS NONE. LET THEM HAVE THE GUTTER. YOU TAKE THE HIGH ROAD. -unknown These words taught me a lot today. I’ve experienced online bullying that one person said that my social media account was fake(and that I am not from the US). Well, I may ...
Yesterday I received a flyer from a car dealer (near my place) who stated that when the hidden code matches theirs, it means that I won something. So my code matches one of their promos in which I should be receiving $500. When I got there today, I was like amazed with the salesman that greeted ...
NOTHING CAN HARM YOU AS MUCH AS YOUR OWN THOUGHTS UNGUARDED. – BUDDHA So this means that we need to guard our thoughts. Failure to do so will result in depression and other problems. If we are feeling negative, it means that we are thinking negative thoughts. When we can detect that we ...